0124 耶稣是我们的粮/面包


约翰福音 6:35



0124 JESUS is our BREAD

JESUS is our BREAD.  Bread is considered a necessity by all peoples.  Jesus indicates that we all need to take Him into ourselves in order to live.  He speaks to my heart and says…

As you eat of the bread of My Presence daily, you and I become one flesh, one mind, one spirit.  You will grow in Me and share this food with hungry ones all around you.  Together we will eat bread in the Kingdom of heaven…

“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.’”

John 6:35


由于我们的旧网页过老,跟不上伺服器公司的更新,所以有肢体反映:最近好几天想访问我们官网,但都出现乱码。经过咨询客服,发现我们的网页无法与伺服器公司的PHP最新版本相容。回去找多年前帮忙的弟兄,因他不是网页设计师,所以也未能解决问题。他说我们虽然不用换伺服器公司,但建议我们找人重新制作网页,用伺服器公司现成的网页生成器(builder)去建构全新页面。在我们尚未找到帮助者之前,只好请大家透过微信和优兔去听和看《默想耶稣圣名》的灵修内容了。这是我们最紧急的祷告事项。我们需要新网页:不仅是展示,还要能够放课件及课程报名、上传报告等等功能。求父神赐下懂Word Press、数据库(Data Plus)的弟兄姐妹能够帮忙设计,而且要有时间能够尽快完成项目。若你有合适人选,请用安全的国际邮箱联络我们,或后台留下“手机号”及“网页设计”字眼,我们会请人和您联系。谢谢!