1018 耶稣是神的同在


马太福音 18:20

耶稣是神的同在。【shekan 原为居住,shekinah, 神同在的荣耀】祂是被神的子民视为神的同在,这令人敬畏、荣耀之光,充满了祂所在之处。耶稣说……


1018 JESUS is the SHEKINAH

JESUS is the SHEKINAH.  He is the Presence of God recognized by the People of God as awesome, glorious light which fills the place where He is.  JESUS says…

Come to My WORD daily.  Let it soak into you, become part of you.  Share My WORD with others in your family, with friends and hear what I have been speaking to them.  This is My heart’s cry for you—for in so doing you will know My glory resting on you, your family, your neighborhood, the world…

“If two sit together and words of the law [are spoken] between them, the Shekinah rests between them” (Ab 3.2).  From the Mishna, the oldest part of the Talmud, compiled by Rabbi Judah the Patriarch A. D. 135-220.

“Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Matthew 18:20 KJV