1009 耶稣是马利亚的儿子


使徒行传 1:14



1009 JESUS is the Son of MARY

JESUS is the Son of MARY.  It was God’s perfect plan to favor a virgin daughter of Israel, from the family of David, the tribe of Judah, to be the mother of His Son.  Because the Holy Spirit planted God’s seed in her womb, the son of Mary is also the Son of God.  JESUS says…

I love My mother, MARY.  She was willing to be used as God’s instrument even though it meant great heartache and suffering for her.  She also knows supreme joy.  Let her attitude be yours: Be it done to me according to your word.

“These [the apostles] all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.”

Acts 1:14