1002 耶稣是大卫的子孙

耶稣从那里往前走,有两个瞎子跟着他,喊叫说:“大卫的子孙,可怜我们吧!” ……耶稣说:“你们信我能做这事吗?”他们说:“主啊,我们信。”耶稣就摸他们的眼睛,说:“照着你们的信给你们成全了吧!”他们的眼睛就开了。耶稣切切地嘱咐他们说:“你们要小心,不可叫人知道。” 

马太福音 9:27, 28b-30a



1002 JESUS is the SON of DAVID

JESUS is the SON of DAVID.  He is the Promised One to continue the glorious reign of King David.  His Kingdom is one of freedom, glory, righteousness, and peace.  JESUS says…

Open to Me the throne of your heart.  I am King; let Me reign triumphantly in you.  With the eagerness and innocent faith of the boy David, together we will be God’s chosen instrument to overcome the giants in the land…

“And as JESUS passed on from there, two blind men followed Him, crying out, and saying, ‘Have mercy on us, Son of David!’…JESUS said to them, ‘Do you believe that I am able to do this?’ They said to Him, ‘Yes, Lord.’ Then He touched their eyes, saying, ‘Be it done to you according to your faith.’ And their eyes were opened.”

Matthew 9:27, 28b-30a