1224 隐藏的生命
神的灵见证并证实了「与基督一同藏在神里面」的生命是简单,但全能的安全;保罗在他的新约书信中不断提到这一点。我们讲得好像过圣洁生活是我们能做的最不确定并最不安全的事情,然而,那是最可能的安全之事,因为有全能的神在其中及背后。最危险、最不确定的事情,是试图没有神而活。对一个重生的人来说,在与神有正确的关系中活着,比走错还容易,只要我们留意神的警告并「在光明中行」(约翰一书 1:7)。
当我们想到从罪中得释放,被「圣灵充满」(以弗所书 5:18)和「在光明中行」时,我们描绘像高山峻岭的顶峰,我们看为非常崇高奇妙,但我们说:「哦,我永远无法高攀活在那里!」然而,当我们靠着神的恩典真的到达那里时,我们发现那根本不是山顶,而是一片高原,有足够的空间可以生活和成长。「你使我脚下的地步宽阔,使我的脚未曾滑跌。」(诗篇 18:36)。
当你真正看见耶稣时,我敢说你不会怀疑祂。当祂说:「你们心里不要忧愁…」(约翰福音 14:27),如果你看见祂,我敢说你不会为事情担忧。当祂在那里,要怀疑几乎是不可能的。每次你与耶稣有个人接触时,祂的话语对你来说都是真实的。「我将我的平安赐给你们…」(约翰福音 14:27)——一种带来无拘无束的自信,它从头顶到脚底完全覆盖你的平安。「…你的生命与基督一同藏在神里面。」耶稣基督的平安是不可干扰的,它已经赐给你了。
我是在学习如何使用我的圣经吗?要成为完全为主服事的方式,就是充分浸透在圣经里;我们当中有些人只是利用某些特定的经文。我们的主想要通过祂的话语,不断给予我们教导;不断的教导将听众转变为门徒。 《蒙神悦纳》
1224 The Hidden Life
…your life is hidden with Christ in God. —Colossians 3:3
The Spirit of God testifies to and confirms the simple, but almighty, security of the life that “is hidden with Christ in God.” Paul continually brought this out in his New Testament letters. We talk as if living a sanctified life were the most uncertain and insecure thing we could do. Yet it is the most secure thing possible, because it has Almighty God in and behind it. The most dangerous and unsure thing is to try to live without God. For one who is born again, it is easier to live in a right-standing relationship with God than it is to go wrong, provided we heed God’s warnings and “walk in the light” (1 John 1:7).
When we think of being delivered from sin, being “filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18), and “walk[ing] in the light,” we picture the peak of a great mountain. We see it as very high and wonderful, but we say, “Oh, I could never live up there!” However, when we do get there through God’s grace, we find it is not a mountain peak at all, but a plateau with plenty of room to live and to grow. “You enlarged my path under me, so my feet did not slip” (Psalm 18:36).
When you really see Jesus, I defy you to doubt Him. If you see Him when He says, “Let not your heart be troubled…” (John 14:27), I defy you to worry. It is virtually impossible to doubt when He is there. Every time you are in personal contact with Jesus, His words are real to you. “My peace I give to you…” (John 14:27)— a peace which brings an unconstrained confidence and covers you completely, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. “…your life is hidden with Christ in God,” and the peace of Jesus Christ that cannot be disturbed has been imparted to you.
Am I learning how to use my Bible? The way to become complete for the Master’s service is to be well soaked in the Bible; some of us only exploit certain passages. Our Lord wants to give us continuous instruction out of His word; continuous instruction turns hearers into disciples. Approved Unto God, 11 L