1013 个体挫折与个人成长

1013 个体挫折与个人成长

后来摩西长大,他出去到他弟兄那里,看他们的重担。《出埃及记 2:11

摩西看到了他的百姓遭受压迫,深感他是拯救他们的那一位,他内心义愤填膺,开始导正错误。在他为神和正义发起第一次出击后,神让摩西陷入空虚的沮丧中,送他到旷野牧羊四十年。在那段时间结束时,神向摩西显现并对他说:「…将我的百姓…从埃及领出来。」但摩西对神说:「…我是什么人,竟能去…」(出埃及记 3:10-11)。在一开始,摩西就意识到自己是拯救百姓的人,但他必须先被神培养和训练。他从个体的观点来看是对的,但直到他学到与神真正相交和合一之前,他不是合用做这项工作的工人。

我们可能有神的异象,也非常清楚神想要什么;然而当我们开始去做的时候,我们就有类似摩西在旷野四十年的经历,好像神忽略了整个事情,而当我们全然沮丧时,神回来,并重新呼召我们。然后我们开始战兢地说:「…我是什么人,竟能去…」我们必须学习神的巨大步伐可如此总结——「我是自有永有的…打发我到你们这里来。」(出埃及记 3:14)。我们还必须知道我们个体为神所做的努力,只是显示对祂的不尊重——我们的个性应该通过与神个人的关系而散发光芒,以便是祂「所喜悦的」(马太福音3:17)。我们专注于个体对事物的正确观点;我们有异象就能说:「我知道这是神要我做的。」但我们还没有学会跟上神的步伐。如果你正在经历沮丧期,那么前面会有一段伟大的个人的成长期。



1013 Individual Discouragement and Personal Growth

…when Moses was grown…he went out to his brethren and looked at their burdens. —Exodus 2:11

Moses saw the oppression of his people and felt certain that he was the one to deliver them, and in the righteous indignation of his own spirit he started to right their wrongs. After he launched his first strike for God and for what was right, God allowed Moses to be driven into empty discouragement, sending him into the desert to feed sheep for forty years. At the end of that time, God appeared to Moses and said to him, “ ‘…bring My people…out of Egypt.’ But Moses said to God, ‘Who am I that I should go…?’ ” (Exodus 3:10-11). In the beginning Moses had realized that he was the one to deliver the people, but he had to be trained and disciplined by God first. He was right in his individual perspective, but he was not the person for the work until he had learned true fellowship and oneness with God.

We may have the vision of God and a very clear understanding of what God wants, and yet when we start to do it, there comes to us something equivalent to Moses’ forty years in the wilderness. It’s as if God had ignored the entire thing, and when we are thoroughly discouraged, God comes back and revives His call to us. And then we begin to tremble and say, “Who am I that I should go…?” We must learn that God’s great stride is summed up in these words— “I AM WHO I AM…has sent me to you” (Exodus 3:14). We must also learn that our individual effort for God shows nothing but disrespect for Him— our individuality is to be rendered radiant through a personal relationship with God, so that He may be “well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). We are focused on the right individual perspective of things; we have the vision and can say, “I know this is what God wants me to do.” But we have not yet learned to get into God’s stride. If you are going through a time of discouragement, there is a time of great personal growth ahead.


The root of faith is the knowledge of a Person, and one of the biggest snares is the idea that God is sure to lead us to success. My Utmost for His Highest, March 19, 761 L