1010 我如何知道?

1010 我如何知道?

耶稣说:「父阿, 天地的主, 我感谢你! 因为你将这些事向聪明通达人就藏起来, 向婴孩就显出来。《马太福音 11:25

我们并不是一步步成长进入属灵的关系——我们要么有关系,要么就没有。神不是继续越来越多地洗净我们的罪——「我们若在光明中行」,我们「…一切的罪」就洁净(约翰一书 1:7)。这是顺服的问题,一旦我们顺服,关系就立即完全。但如果我们即使一秒钟不顺服,黑暗和死亡就会立即作工。

所有神启示的真理都是密封的,直到我们通过顺服,才向我们开启。你永远无法通过哲学或思考来开启它们,然而一旦你顺服,亮光就立刻来到。透过沉浸在真理中让神的真理进入你的里面,而不是通过担忧进入的。你认识神的真理唯一之道就是停止试图去追寻,而是藉着重生。如果你在神向你表明的第一件事上顺服祂,那么祂会立即向你打开下一个真理。你可以阅读大量关于圣灵工作的书籍,只五分钟完全且毫不妥协的顺服,就会使事情变得像阳光一样清晰。不要说:「我想总有一天我会明白这些事情!」你现在就可以了解。不是研读带给你了解,而是顺服。即使最小的顺服也能打开天堂,神最深的真理立即就成为你的。然而,在你顺服你已知事情之前,神永远不会向你显示更多关于祂自己的真理。要提防成为「聪明通达人」之一,「人若立志遵着祂的旨意行,就必晓得…」(约翰福音 7:17)



1010 How Will I Know?

Jesus answered and said, “I thank You, Father…that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes.” —Matthew 11:25

We do not grow into a spiritual relationship step by step— we either have a relationship or we do not. God does not continue to cleanse us more and more from sin— “But if we walk in the light,” we are cleansed “from all sin” (1 John 1:7). It is a matter of obedience, and once we obey, the relationship is instantly perfected. But if we turn away from obedience for even one second, darkness and death are immediately at work again.

All of God’s revealed truths are sealed until they are opened to us through obedience. You will never open them through philosophy or thinking. But once you obey, a flash of light comes immediately. Let God’s truth work into you by immersing yourself in it, not by worrying into it. The only way you can get to know the truth of God is to stop trying to find out and by being born again. If you obey God in the first thing He shows you, then He instantly opens up the next truth to you. You could read volumes on the work of the Holy Spirit, when five minutes of total, uncompromising obedience would make things as clear as sunlight. Don’t say, “I suppose I will understand these things someday!” You can understand them now. And it is not study that brings understanding to you, but obedience. Even the smallest bit of obedience opens heaven, and the deepest truths of God immediately become yours. Yet God will never reveal more truth about Himself to you, until you have obeyed what you know already. Beware of becoming one of the “wise and prudent.” “If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know…” (John 7:17).


Crises reveal character. When we are put to the test the hidden resources of our character are revealed exactly.  –Disciples Indeed, 393 R