2023 1022 登山宝训查经反思问题

登山宝训 Mandarin-Speaking CG @ Redeemer West Side (10/22/2023)



登山宝训已接近尾声。 到目前为止,耶稣已经描述了祂的追随者被召唤过更高层次的生活。 现在,在马太福音第 7 章的后半部分,耶稣花了很长的时间向听众强调祂的主张。 登山宝训不仅仅是一些值得考虑有吸引力的哲学或人生观。 耶稣正在敦促祂的听众做出决定并采取行动。 一个人不可能无限期地与耶稣保持一定的距离; 祂自称是主,并最终要求我们用我们的生活做出某种响应。

问题:你是否觉得耶稣声称是唯一的道路和真理是狭隘和令人反感的? 为什么或者为什么不?

We’ve approached the end of the Sermon on the Mount. Up to this point, Jesus has described the higher kind of life which his followers are called to. Now, in the second half of Matthew 7, Jesus spends an extended amount of time pressing his claims home to his listeners. The Sermon on the Mount is not just some attractive philosophy or outlook on life to be considered. Jesus is pressing his audience to a decision and to action. A person cannot indefinitely keep Jesus at arm’s length; he claims to be Lord and eventually demands that we make some kind of response with our lives.

opening question: Do you find Jesus’ claim to be the only way and truth to be narrow and offensive? Why or why not?

马太福音 7:15-29(和合本繁体)

15 「你们要提防假先知,他们披着羊皮到你们当中,骨子里却是凶残的狼。 16 你们可以凭他们结的果子认出他们。荆棘怎能结出葡萄呢?蒺藜怎能长出无花果呢? 17 同样,好树结好果子,坏树结坏果子; 18 好树结不出坏果子,坏树也结不出好果子。 19 凡不结好果子的树,都要被砍下来丢在火里。 20 因此,你们可以凭他们结的果子认出他们。 21 并不是所有称呼我『主啊,主啊』的人都能进天国,只有遵行我天父旨意的人才能进去。 22 在审判那天,很多人会对我说,『主啊,主啊,我们不是奉你的名传道,奉你的名赶鬼,奉你的名行了许多神迹吗?』 23 我会清楚地告诉他们,『我从来不认识你们,你们这些作恶的人走开!』

24 「所以,凡听了我的这些话就去行的人,就像聪明人把房子建在盘石上。 25 任由风吹雨打、洪水冲击,房子仍屹立不倒,因为它建基在盘石上。 26 凡听了我这些话不去行的,就像愚昧人把房子建在沙土上。 27 遇到风吹雨打、洪水冲击,房子就倒塌了,而且倒塌得很厉害。」

28 大家听完耶稣这番教导,都很惊奇, 29 因为祂教导他们时像位有权柄的人,不像他们的律法教师。

花一些时间思考圣经。 分享一些让您印象深刻的见解、问题或观点。 然后阅读以下内容。

read Matthew 7:15-29

Take a few moments to reflect on the Scripture. Share some insights, questions, or points that strike you. Then read what follows.


耶稣举例说明了四种对我们来说很重要的不同对比。 我们看到两条路、两种老师、两种门徒、两栋房子。 耶稣以四种不同的方式向我们表明,对我们每个人来说,做这项辨别真假的艰苦工作是多么重要。

当我们考虑这四种对比时,我们发现从表面上区分每对并不容易。 这两栋房子从外面看起来是一样的。 这两棵树都结果子了,从远处看很相似。 两种门徒都积极从事宗教活动。 因此,我们需要仔细考虑,因为重大的利害攸关。

两组之间的区别并不在于一组跟随耶稣而另一组拒绝他。 从表面上看,两人似乎都在追随耶稣。 如果你看第21-23节,我们会看到两组门徒都称耶稣为「主」,并且都很热心(重复称呼「主啊,主啊」)并积极参与事工。 这两个群体之间存在着更深层次的区别,这种区别很微妙,而且往往难以察觉甚至难以识别。 但学会看清这种区别对于基督徒的信仰生活绝对至关重要。

discerning true from false

Jesus illustrates four different kinds of distinctions that are important for us to make. We see two roads, two teachers, two disciples, and two houses. That Jesus does this in four different ways shows us how crucial it is for every one of us to do this hard work of discerning true from false.

As we consider the four pairs, we see that it’s not easy to distinguish each pair on the surface. The two houses look the same from the outside. The two trees are both bearing fruit and so look similar from a distance. The two disciples are both active in religious activity. So we need to look carefully, because momentous and weighty stakes are in the balance.

The distinction between the two groups is not that one group follows Jesus and the other rejects him. On the surface, both seem to be following Jesus. If you look at verses 21-23, we see both sets of disciples call Jesus “Lord” and are fervent (the repetition of address, “Lord, Lord”) and actively involved in ministry. There is a deeper distinction between the two groups that is subtle and often hard to detect or even recognize. But learning to see this distinction is absolutely critical for the Christian’s life of faith.

  1. 区分这两类人的特征是什么? 考虑四组对比中每一对中突出显示的方面:经文13-14、15-20、21-23 和 24-27节。
  2. 为什么我们学会认识并区分他人(15-20节)和我们自己(21-27节)的这些区别如此重要?
  3. 果子(第 16、20 节)需要时间才能生长并显露出它的质量。 这对我们如何区分人们(包括我们自己)的真实灵性和假冒灵性有什么启发?
  4. 我们可以通过哪些方式欺骗自己,让自己相信自己是耶稣的真正跟随者,但最终却被揭露为冒牌货?
  1. What is the characteristic that distinguishes the two groups of people? Consider what aspect is highlighted in each of the four pairs: vv. 13-14, 15-20, 21-23, and 24-27.
  2. Why is it so important that we learn to recognize and make these distinctions, both in others (vv. 15-20) and in ourselves (vv. 21-27)?
  3. Fruit (v. 16, 20) takes time to grow and reveal its quality. What does that teach us about the way we can distinguish authentic and counterfeit spirituality in people, including ourselves?

What are some ways that we can deceive ourselves, persuading ourselves that we are authentic followers