1114 耶稣是绿树

耶稣转身对他们说:“耶路撒冷的女子,不要为我哭,当为自己和自己的儿女哭。 …… “这些事既行在有汁水的树上,那枯干的树将来怎么样呢?”

路加福音 23:28,31



1114 JESUS is the GREEN TREE

JESUS is the GREEN TREE.  He is the branch of Israel which contains life, hope, and usefulness for God.  If we continue to stay in Him, we have His life coursing through us.  When we choose our own way, we become worthless as a dry tree, good only for burning.  JESUS says…

Tears which do not lead to repentance have no value.  I do not need pity, for in My choice of the cross there is resurrection life.  If you choose My way there will be a cross and also abundant life…

“But Jesus turning to them said, ‘Daughters of Jerusalem, stop weeping for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children… for if they do these things in the green tree, what will happen in the dry?’”

Luke 23:28,31