1024 耶稣是那后裔


创世记 3:15



1024 JESUs is the SEED

JESUs is the SEED.  The seed of God was placed in the womb of a woman, Mary, to produce the Messiah.  The Hebrews counted their seed through the father, so that first prophecy about Messiah in Genesis, in feminine form, is truly unique.  He would be born of woman apart from and independent of man.  Though Satan would hurt the Messiah, He would overcome.  Now Jesus has all Satan’s power under His feet.  JESUS says…

I have planted within you the seed of Myself, which contains the Kingdom of God, truth, and the power to overcome the evil in this World.  Nourish this seed with the water of My Word, the sun of praise to God.

“And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel.”

Genesis 3:15