1022 耶稣是那荫蔽

主以公义的灵和焚烧的灵,将锡安女子的污秽洗去,又将耶路撒冷中杀人的血除净。那时,……耶和华也必在锡安全山,并各会众以上,使白日有烟云,黑夜有火焰的光。因为在全荣耀之上必有遮蔽。 必有亭子,白日可以得荫避暑,也可以作为藏身之处,躲避狂风暴雨。

以赛亚书 4:4-6



1022 JESUS is the SHADE 

JESUS is the SHADE.  He gives shelter, protection, rest, and refreshing in the midst of a dry, parched, barren, and weary land.  JESUS says…

Underneath the glitter and glamor of materialistic and mechanized society lies a valley of dry bones bleached by the penetrating light of God’s presence.  I am the sun which exposes the emptiness and decay.  I am also the shade which protects all those who seek Me with all their hearts.  Come to Me without fear, with openness.  I am gentle in My cleansing.  I am eager to give you resurrection life…

“When the LORD has washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and purged the bloodshed of Jerusalem from her midst, by the spirit of judgement and the spirit of burning, then the LORD will create…over her assemblies a cloud by day, even smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night…And there will be a shelter to give shade from the heat by day, and refuge and protection from the storm and the rain.”

Isaiah 4:4-6