1004 耶稣是神的儿子


马太福音 26:63,64



1004 JESUS is the SON of GOD

JESUS is the SON of GOD.  He accepted the title because His nature and attributes are the same as God’s.  He is co-equal and co-eternal with God.  JESUS says…

I have called you to be part of My family.  As you enjoy the benefits of knowing God as your Daddy and Me as your big brother, you will take on the family characteristics, more and more.  When you see good things in yourself, praise Me, for you are growing up to be just like your Dad.  I am doing it in you…

“But Jesus kept silent.  And the high priest said to Him, ‘I adjure Your by the living God, that You tell us whether You are the Christ, the Son of God.’ Jesus said to him, ‘You have said it yourself; nevertheless I tell you, hereafter you shall see THE SON OF MAN SITTING ON THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER, AND COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN.’”

Matthew 26:63,64