0715 我靈命的尊榮和責任
…無論是希利尼人,化外人,聰明人,愚拙人,我都欠他們的債。《羅馬書 1:14》
我在其他人中並非高人一等——我是主耶穌的奴僕。保羅說:「…你們不是自己的人,因為你們是重價買來的…」(哥林多前書 6:19-20)。保羅把自己賣給了耶穌基督,他實際上是說:「因着耶穌的福音,我是地上所有人的債務人;我唯一的自由,只在於我能絕對是祂的奴僕。」一旦這種靈命尊榮和責任的境界成為真實,這就是一個基督徒生命的特徵停止為自己禱告,並像是耶穌的奴僕那樣為了他人而度過一生;這就是現實生活中成為擘開的餅、澆奠的酒之真正含義。
0715 My Life’s Spiritual Honor and Duty
I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians… —Romans 1:14
Paul was overwhelmed with the sense of his indebtedness to Jesus Christ, and he spent his life to express it. The greatest inspiration in Paul’s life was his view of Jesus Christ as his spiritual creditor. Do I feel that same sense of indebtedness to Christ regarding every unsaved soul? As a saint, my life’s spiritual honor and duty is to fulfill my debt to Christ in relation to these lost souls. Every tiny bit of my life that has value I owe to the redemption of Jesus Christ. Am I doing anything to enable Him to bring His redemption into evident reality in the lives of others? I will only be able to do this as the Spirit of God works into me this sense of indebtedness.
I am not a superior person among other people— I am a bondservant of the Lord Jesus. Paul said, “…you are not your own…you were bought at a price…” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Paul sold himself to Jesus Christ and he said, in effect, “I am a debtor to everyone on the face of the earth because of the gospel of Jesus; I am free only that I may be an absolute bondservant of His.” That is the characteristic of a Christian’s life once this level of spiritual honor and duty becomes real. Quit praying about yourself and spend your life for the sake of others as the bondservant of Jesus. That is the true meaning of being broken bread and poured-out wine in real life.
Christianity is not consistency to conscience or to convictions; Christianity is being true to Jesus Christ. Biblical Ethics, 111 L