0614 行动起来!(1)

0614 行动起来!(1)

常常在我里面《约翰福音 15:4

关于决心的问题。耶稣的灵借着基督十字架的赎罪进入我里面。然后,我必须耐心地建立我的思想,使之与我的主完全和谐。神不会使我像耶稣那样思考——我必须自己去做。我必须「…将人所有的心意夺回,使它都顺服基督」(哥林多后书 10:5)。「常在我里面」,在智力问题上,在金钱问题上,在使人类生活是这个样子的每一个问题上。我们的生活并不只是由一个整齐划定的领域组成的。

我是否阻止神在我的处境下行事,认为那只会阻碍了我与神相交而已?这是多么不相干和不尊重啊!我的环境如何并不重要。我可以确信,我在任何一个环境中都住在耶稣里,就像我在任何祷告会中一样。我没有必要自己去改变和安排我的处境。我们的主的内住是纯洁和无瑕疵的。无论祂的身体在哪里,祂都与神同在。祂从不选择自己的处境,而是温顺地服从天父为祂制定的计划和指示。想想我们主的生活是多么令人惊奇的轻松啊!但我们往往在我们的生活中让神处于紧张的状态。我们没有「与基督一同藏在神里」那种生活中的平静(歌罗西书 3:3)。




0614 Get Moving! (1)

Abide in Me–John 15:4

In the matter of determination. The Spirit of Jesus is put into me by way of the atonement by the Cross of Christ. I then have to build my thinking patiently to bring it into perfect harmony with my Lord. God will not make me think like Jesus— I have to do it myself. I have to bring “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). “Abide in Me”— in intellectual matters, in money matters, in every one of the matters that make human life what it is. Our lives are not made up of only one neatly confined area.

Am I preventing God from doing things in my circumstances by saying that it will only serve to hinder my fellowship with Him? How irrelevant and disrespectful that is! It does not matter what my circumstances are. I can be as much assured of abiding in Jesus in any one of them as I am in any prayer meeting. It is unnecessary to change and arrange my circumstances myself. Our Lord’s inner abiding was pure and unblemished. He was at home with God wherever His body was. He never chose His own circumstances, but was meek, submitting to His Father’s plans and directions for Him. Just think of how amazingly relaxed our Lord’s life was! But we tend to keep God at a fever pitch in our lives. We have none of the serenity of the life which is “hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3).

Think of the things that take you out of the position of abiding in Christ. You say, “Yes, Lord, just a minute— I still have this to do. Yes, I will abide as soon as this is finished, or as soon as this week is over. It will be all right, Lord. I will abide then.” Get moving— begin to abide now. In the initial stages it will be a continual effort to abide, but as you continue, it will become so much a part of your life that you will abide in Him without any conscious effort. Make the determination to abide in Jesus wherever you are now or wherever you may be placed in the future.


The root of faith is the knowledge of a Person, and one of the biggest snares is the idea that God is sure to lead us to success. –My Utmost for His Highest, March 19, 761 L