0413 重担不堪负荷,怎么办?

0413 重担不堪负荷,怎么办?

你要把你的重担卸给耶和华《诗篇 55:22



「把你的重担卸给耶和华」,你一直在承受这一切,但你需要刻意地把这些放在神的肩膀上, 「政权必担在他的肩头上」(以赛亚书 9:6)。将神加给你的任何重担都交托给祂,不要只是把它扔到一边,而要把它交给祂,并把你自己连它一起交托。你会发现你的负担因有了同伴的感觉而变轻了;但你永远不应该试图将自己与你的负担分开。



0413 What To Do When Your Burden Is Overwhelming

Cast your burden on the Lord… —Psalm 55:22

We must recognize the difference between burdens that are right for us to bear and burdens that are wrong. We should never bear the burdens of sin or doubt, but there are some burdens placed on us by God which He does not intend to lift off. God wants us to roll them back on Him— to literally “cast your burden,” which He has given you, “on the Lord….” If we set out to serve God and do His work but get out of touch with Him, the sense of responsibility we feel will be overwhelming and defeating. But if we will only roll back on God the burdens He has placed on us, He will take away that immense feeling of responsibility, replacing it with an awareness and understanding of Himself and His presence.

Many servants set out to serve God with great courage and with the right motives. But with no intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ, they are soon defeated. They do not know what to do with their burden, and it produces weariness in their lives. Others will see this and say, “What a sad end to something that had such a great beginning!”

“Cast your burden on the Lord….” You have been bearing it all, but you need to deliberately place one end on God’s shoulder. “…the government will be upon His shoulder” (Isaiah 9:6). Commit to God whatever burden He has placed on you. Don’t just cast it aside, but put it over onto Him and place yourself there with it. You will see that your burden is then lightened by the sense of companionship. But you should never try to separate yourself from your burden.


The vital relationship which the Christian has to the Bible is not that he worships the letter, but that the Holy Spirit makes the words of the Bible spirit and life to him. –The Psychology of Redemption, 11006L